at the beginning of the week 意味
- 週の始めに
- beginning beginning n. 初め. 【動詞+】 Today we celebrate the beginning of a new era of
- week week n. 週, 週間. 【動詞+】 establish a five-day week (労働日 授業日などの)週 5 日制を設ける
- the beginning the beginning 発端 ほったん
- at the beginning 手始めに、初めに、まず最初は、最初に、当初は
- at the beginning of ~の初めに There was no trouble at the beginning of their friendship.
- beginning of the week beginning of the week 週明け しゅうあけ
- beginning of the week beginning of the week 週明け しゅうあけ
- beginning of week 《the ~》週明け{しゅうあけ}
- as early as the beginning of next week 週明けにも
- at the beginning of next week 週明けに
- beginning of the equinoctial week 彼岸の入り
- early as the beginning of next week
- (the) beginning (the) beginning 草創期 そうそうき
- a beginning a beginning 潮先 しおさき
- as a beginning 出発点{しゅっぱつてん}として
- i'll be back at the beginning of the week .
また 週明けに来るから - at the beginning of the week